蔘龍人蔘是在全世界栽種人蔘最佳的產地 (朝鮮自治區) 所栽培,吸收日月精華,大地的靈氣,足六年蔘,超過 168 種的微量元素,含有十三種皂甘成份,對人體有全面性的調理,任何體質皆可使用,其成份與功效極其卓越,備受世人矚目。
為社會大眾提供健康和美容的功效, 是蔘龍企業一貫追求的目標。蔘龍人蔘以低熱溫濃縮提煉, 品質有保障, 不分男女老少皆可使用。沖泡溫水即可服用, 使用方便效果最佳, 受到消費者一致的肯定。
Dragon Ginseng comes with the function of maintaining body temperature at normal level. It could be consumed all year round. Dragon Ginseng is being cultivated at the best ginseng growing area - North Korea Autonomous Region. Through six years of growing period, where it had absorbed the divine spirit of the sky and earth, resulted in it containing 168 types of trace minerals and 13 types of glycosides, providing overall regulatory functions to the human body. It is suitable for all kind of body conditions. Due to its excellent efficacies, it has became the focus of the world.
The main objective of Dragon Ginseng Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. is to provide health and beauty. Dragon Ginseng is processed into concentrate utilizing low temperature, thus its quality is guaranteed and suitable for both man and woman. Just add warm water and it is ready for consumption. Its conveniences and efficacies had win recognition from the consumers.
人蔘的成長 Growing year of Ginseng :~
一年蔘 - 六年蔘. 1 year - 6 year Ginseng.
人蔘的故事 :~
人蔘產於朝鮮和中國東北等地、蔘龍所出產之人蔘來自朝鮮自治區、 位於北韓四十度至四十六度之間、生長在海撥二千公尺以上高山。
The Story of Ginseng :~
Products of Dragon Ginseng Come from North Korea and north eastern China. i.e. Latitude of between 40° to 46°, on high mountains of over 2,000 meters above sea level.
人蔘的環境 :~
人蔘生長在人煙稀少、海拔二千公尺之高山, 生長條件頗具限制。以溫度而言,夏天溫度約攝氏十六 度左右,冬天溫度約攝氏零下六度左右;通風良好、水源充足為人蔘生長基本要素;以土壤而言,適用種植於三十年以上的紅松樹之有機肥,其肥沃土壤才能栽種出高品質之人蔘。
The Growing Environment of Ginseng :~
Ginseng is being cultivated at low density areas, at high mountains of over 2,000 feet above sea level. Its growing conditions are constrained. On humidity aspect, temperature during summer is around 16°c, while winter temperature is around -6°, good ventilation and ample water are basic growing conditions for ginseng. It is best to grow ginseng on soil of red pine trees of 30 years or above using organic fertilizer. Only such fertile soil would yield ginseng of high quality.
蔘龍精製人蔘粉的特色 :~
蔘龍人蔘條,來自全世界栽培人蔘最好的地區(朝鮮自治區), 位於中國東北與北韓之交界地,北緯40度。
The characteristics of refined Ginseng powder from Dragon Ginseng :~
Ginseng root used by Dragon Ginseng comes from the world best ginseng growing area (North Korea Autonomous Region). It is situated at the north eastern China bordering North Korea, or at 40° latitude.
移植過程 :~
Process of transplantation :~
Transplantation process is to carry out every two years. Ginseng trees of six years old with big projection, whose quality is the best.
人蔘之籽 :~
Ginseng seed :~
Ginseng flowers would first blossom at the forth year of planting. Seeds are collected with the purpose of nurturing the best quality ginseng.
The combination of the divine spirit of earth and sky assure the best crop of ginseng. Transplantation every two years to ensure the best quality ginseng with the best functions.
人蔘的奇妙功效 :~
人蔘在中國已有五千年的歷史見證, 是歷代帝王的珍品。
根據 ” 神農本草經 ” 的記載 ,
The miracle efficacy of Dragon Ginseng :~
Ginseng has been in existence since 5,000 years ago. It was the food of the emperors.
According to the ‘Book of Herbs’ by Shen Long, which said: ‘Ginseng nourishes the five major organs in the body. It stabilizes, overcome fear,dispel evil spirit, good for the eyes and brain. Taken over a long period would result in longevity.’ Every consumer could take it with peace of mind.
人蔘補血補氣 - 全面調理延年益壽 :~
人蔘「補五臟」, 是指為了保持健康狀態, 對於必要的五臟 (心 、肝 、脾 、肺 、腎) 的功能, 具有調整使其恢復正常狀態的作用。
對維持健康亦有裨益, 更經
世界各醫學專家證實對下列各文明病具特殊功效 :~
1. 健康狀態不良者
2. 體力衰退元氣不足者
3. 四季季節身體不適者
4. 臥病和手術後身體虛弱者
5. 胃腸衰弱和消化不良者
6. 心臟衰弱者
7. 精力衰弱者
8. 患貧血和手足發冷者
9. 妊娠中和產後虛弱者
10. 神經衰弱者
11. 糖尿病者
12. 欲抑制癌細胞生長者
The Miracle Efficacy of Dragon Ginseng :~
Ginseng nourishes five major organs of the body to maintain health. It regulates and normalizes the functions of the five major organs (heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney). It is good for maintaining health. World renowned medical experts had proved that it has special efficacy for modern diseases as follow:~
~ Poor health
~ Deteriorating health and lack of stamina
~ Feeling uncomfortable as season changes
~ Bed-ridden and weak after operation
~ Weak stomach and indigestion
~ Hearts diseasesLack of energy
~ Anaemia and limbs coldness
~ Pregnancy and weak after labour
~ Mental sickness
~ Diabetes patients
~ Patients who need to suppress the growth of cancer cells
~ Enhancement resistivity and immunity
蔘龍精製人蔘粉 GMP 科學提煉之特色 :~
蔘龍產品所採用之原料系經選足六年根之人蔘,再經數十位藥學博士,運用現代科學提煉方法而製成,故能保持一定標準之品質。產品濃縮提煉,系根據最新研究人蔘成份之原理,分析其最有效能之成份,再經過特殊之真空減壓器,將其濃縮成濃稠,然後使用特殊乾燥設備,低溫乾燥提煉而成。經精密分析檢驗,並嚴密而優良的品質管制,故其品質均能保持一定的標準。產產品經現代醫學研究,依據研究證實,1公克之效能等於磨粉人蔘之六倍至十倍,無須煎煮即可使用。蔘龍精製人蔘粉,首創科學化濃縮提煉,產品之品質管理均符合優良藥品製造規範 GMP 並秉持品質保證。事業永續經驗標竿邁進。
The characteristics of GMP scientific refined ginseng powder :~
The raw materials used to process Dragon Ginseng powder are taken from six full year ginseng, and manufactured by ten medical doctors using modern scientific methods, so as to maintain its quality at high standard. Researchers refined product into extract using the latest ingredients analysis method for its most effective ingredients. Extract are obtained using special vacuum-pressure method, follow by using special drying equipment and low humidity drying method. Through sophisticated analysis, strict quality control, its quality is maintained at high standard. Modern medical research confirmed that 1 kilo gram of refined ginseng powder whose efficacies is six to ten times that of ginseng roots. It could be consume without boiling or steam.
Ginseng powder produces by its Dragon Ginseng is the first of its kind to use scientific refinery method. Its product quality management conforms to Excellence Medical Production Specification, or GMP. Thus, it is a business of continuity with guaranteed product quality.
蔘龍精製人蔘粉 :~
本產品採用朝鮮高麗人蔘足 6 年根,以高科技低溫提煉。
4 倍濃縮而成,绝無添加任何化學成份,是純天然滋養保健產品。本產品成份中 (石竹甘) (皂草苷),更具有養顏美容、延年益壽、補五臟、全面性調理。促進新陳代謝、增強抗體、營養補給、減少疲勞及疼痛之效果。請安心使用。
Dragon Ginseng refined ginseng powder :~
The product is made from 6 year old Korea Ginseng. Processed using advanced low temperature extraction and condensed 4 times without any added chemicals. It is a natural health product which contents ( SAPONIN ) are beneficial in beauty care, enhancing longevity, strengthening internal organs and overall well-being, improvement of cell regeneration and immune system, as nourishment and relief for tiredness and aches.
You can enjoy all these benefits with total peace of mind.
蔘龍精製人蔘粉與一般人蔘產品之比較 :~
Comparison of refined Dragon Ginseng with ordinary Ginseng :~
商品規格 :~
產品指示 :傳統用於解除疲勞。如有任何不適,請向醫生請示。
儲存 :收藏低於 30°c 。避免光線,潮濕或孩童觸及。
成份 : 精製高麗蔘100% ( 根 )。
容量 : 150g ± 2g
食用方法 : 早午晚各 3 匙,衝溫開水或牛奶口服,飯前或飯後,增減食用無妨。
保存期限 : 2 年( 顯示於盒底 )。
Malaysia Reg. Code : MAL 06021298 TC
Technical details :~
Instruction : Traditional used to relief fatigue. If symptonas persist, consult the doctor.
Storage : Keep in a cool dry place below 30°c, away from sunlight. Keep out of reach of children.
Ingredient : Radix Panax ginseng powder 150g.
Content : 150g ± 2g.
Dosage : 3 teaspoon each time to be taken before/after the daily 3 meals together with lukewarm water or milk.
Expiry : 2 years after manufacturing date (refer to bottom of the box)
Malaysia Reg. Code : MAL 06021298 TC